Classes -Workshops - Retreats
Classes, workshops, and retreats are offered from locations all over the world by certified QiCore Improvement teachers. These offerings can be either online or in person. Some classes may be ongoing and some are offered periodically.
About Learning QiCore® Improvement
Why is it helpful to have a certified instuctor?
It is recommended to work with a certified QiCore Improvement instructor to pursue this practice. While it is not necessary to do QiCore Improvement “perfectly” in order to benefit from the movements, a certified instructor will ensure the movements are done safely and provide the full depth and breadth of the practice.
How long does it take to learn the practice?
To learn the basic movements, several classes or private sessions are often needed. There is usually a one-hour session for each of the six sections plus an additional session of two for refining the practice. The practitioner’s experience with other body/mind practices can influence the time it takes to gain a baseline understanding of the movements. Learning and applying the nuances of this practice can be a lifelong journey. From beginner to master, all practitioners receive ample benefits that only increase with time and practice.
Can it be adapted for different physical ability levels?
Absolutely. To address physical differences, the range and pace of the movements can be adjusted. For any ability level, it is important to remember that all movements must be done from a position that allows the body to fully relax into the movement without force or strain.
For those that cannot be in the standing position, all sections can be practiced seated in a chair. The spine optimally should be upright for standing or sitting.
Further modifications can be made to address those who are unable to sit or stand, e.g., wheelchair or bed bound. A certified instructor can provide guidance for these individuals.
February 2025
QiCore® Improvement with Tiffany Scruggs (Sunday Mornings)
QiCore® Improvement with Alfie (Wednesdays)
Building Community
The worldwide QiCore community is growing and with that growth comes a shift. Because the world is deeply interconnected, one small shift can influence a much larger complex system. Human consciousness is a case in point. As you raise your vibration, the vibration of those around you is affected. And they, in turn, affect others. This is called the Butterfly Effect, and it means that even the smallest shift in your vibration is reflected in the Cosmos itself.
The Qi Field
Is it Better to attend training online or in person?
When people participate in a QiCore Improvement program, whether online or in person, they join a collective field that reflects the vibration of all those who have contributed to the field — students, teachers, masters. This is called the Qi Field. The mind is used as part of this practice to “create and enter” the Qi Field.
The Qi Field is how the universe expresses itself, and it mirrors the vibration of the intersection of the form and formless aspects of the human experience. It is the place where all healing takes place and the expansion of the human form reaches its full potential.
Online trainings offer something special. For many people, the freedom of solitude allows them to more fully embrace the vibration of the Qi Field without the distraction of feeling observed and the stress of interacting with others. This can deepen the ability to focus within.
In-person retreats allow the participant to experience the Qi Field amplified by the immediate proximity of the teacher and other participants who are also experiencing the shifts in conscious awareness. The continuual 24-hour immersion adds tremendously to the experience.
In-Person Events
The total immersion of an in-person retreat is an experience that can leave the participant feeling renewed and ready to re-engage in the world in a revitalized and focused manner.
The time away from your daily routine, work, friends and family gives you an opportunity to deeply explore what healing means to you and your body. Free of the distractions of preparing meals and caring for others, the internal journey of discovery can flourish and the direction of soul can be heard.
Even an in-person class has some of these advantages offering a mini-dose away from your routine and a personalized connection to the Qi field.